Saturday, February 28, 2009

Orange Soda SEO

How do you know if a soft drink Orange Soda company is doing great SEO or inferior SEO. One of the simplest ways to tell is to do some simple google searches to see how they rank naturally for terms related to their services and industry. If a company only ranks naturally for a few keywords, this should at least cause you to pause and reflect upon this. If a company cannot get consistent top rankings for industry-related terms, than how can they claim to be a real SEO company?
Also, if an
orange soda seo focused company stresses that their primary focus is long-term SEO, than their own site should naturally be geared towards this end. If their website is not set up to get long-term SEO results, how can they help you? One way to tell this is if the company seems to have very few "content" pages. Why is this a red flag? Well, put simply, long-term SEO requires a culmination of efforts and circumstances, one of which is significant content and copy creation and implementation. If a company seems to only have one a few pages bescribing their services, and doesn't really seem to be targeting difficult to attain SEO terms, what exactly are they doing? They are probably focusing upon sales-driven SEO and are unconcerned with their natural keyword rankings, and even less concerned with helping you achieve yours.

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